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Municipal Industry and Energy Group held a special meeting to convey the spirit of Deputy Mayor Wang Zhenyong's research speech

更新日期:2024-05-02 09:26:55 点击率:

morning April 30,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Industry and Energy Group、Chairman Zhu Zurong presided over a special meeting,Conveying the spirit of Vice Mayor betboom casino review Wang Zhenyong's investigation speech,Focusing on related tasks to decompose item by item、Implementing to people,and combined with the actual deployment of the group to implement the opinions。Group leaders,Group middle -level cadres attended the meeting。

Meeting to point out,The Group wants to anchor "Municipal State -owned Enterprise Bench Enterprise、First -class enterprise in the field of similar urban industries and energy fields in the country,Tightly surround the Municipal Party Committee、Work of the Municipal Government Center,Only fight for the day and night、Pressing Endeter,Strive to implement "Strong City Action"、Sprint "Double Wan" city、Building a larger performance in the third pole of the province's high -quality development。

Conference emphasizedFirst, we must fully fight the fight against the reform of state -owned enterprises.Accelerate the establishment of data group,Stepped the integration of Zhejiang Corporation to Industry Corporation,Integrate the flour company to Fast Deer Group,A friendly trading company、Electronic Equipment Company、Special Tao Group Company integrates to the operation company。Second, we must fully fight the battle for the digital economy.Accelerate the promotion of the total power of 1000P intellectual center project,Ensure that the first phase of the project will be completed and puts for it before May 18,Steady to promote the construction of the project in the second phase of the project,Help betboom sports betting Wenzhou to build the computing power storage hub of northern Fujian, southern Zhejiang。Third, we must fully fight the energy project expansion.Accelerate the implementation of full capacity grid targets during the year,Stepped the promotion of Ruian 500 kV friendly energy collection station project in 2025,Strive to control Ruian 3#Sea Wind Power Project,Practice in advance layout hydrogen energy、Digital Energy Project of Yuanwanghe Reserve,Help Wenzhou to build a national new energy production center and application demonstration city。Fourth, we must fully play the battle level of urban energy levels.Continue optimizing the research and practice education base of primary and secondary school students,Actively apply for national betboom casino review industrial cultural heritage,Strive for the introduction of the supporting business of the industrial relics during the year,Implementing Landscape Park、The main body of the commercial part of the star of the Tanghe River。Five to do our best to fight the revitalization of Gongmei Culture.Further strengthen talent、Marketing、Industry、Construction of the four major platforms for exchange,Accelerate the implementation of the Kiln Industrialization Project,The production capacity of the annual output of 1.6 million pieces of 瓯 kiln porcelain was formed as soon as possible,Promoting the prosperity and development of characteristic arts and crafts in the series of arts and crafts。Sixth, we must fully fight the political ecology to deepen the tough battle.Strictly betboom review implement the responsibility of governing the party,Fully cooperate with inspections related,Carefully grasp the education and education of party discipline,Turn the party's leadership advantage、Organizational advantages converted into the victory of enterprise development,Continue to promote the construction of "clean state -owned enterprises",Create a good development environment with a clear air。(Group Office)

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Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

According to the work requirements of deepening municipal state -owned enterprise reform in Wenzhou,2020Year1month,Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. is renamed Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Municipal Industry and Energy Group or Group),Registered capital50billion yuan。Group also hangs Wenzhou handicraft cooperatives United Society brand。

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