Group Overview

Introduction to the Group

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 January 2020,Wenzhou City Start State -owned Enterprise Deepening Reform,Former Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group is optimized and formed as the current Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Group,It is one of the top ten state -owned groups in Wenzhou,Registered capital 5 billion yuan。Group also hangs Wenzhou Handicraft Cooperative betboom casino review United Society Brand。Group existing industrial manufacturing、Energy Development、Digital economy、Investment Management、Asset operation、Arts and Crafts and other six main business。Jurisdiction of Wood Group、Switching Company、Fast Lu Group, including 16 wholly -owned and holding subsidiaries,Wenzhou Power Plant, including 7 participating companies,betboom casino review Three public institutions such as Gongmei Academy,and 101 custody old -fashioned collective enterprises。More than 1600 employees of the group and their subsidiaries,Nearly 1,000 employees of hosting enterprises。Group involves original machinery、Electronic、Chemical、Light Industry、Two light、Textile、More than 300 companies in eight major industrial betboom review bureaus including medicine and Tao Jian,Employee service surface reaches 90,000 people。 

 SelfOptimized since the establishment of 2020,Cumulative revenue of 18.6 billion yuan,Total profit of 780 million yuan; total assets、Net assets reached 21 billion yuan, respectively、9.2 billion yuan。

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Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

According to the work requirements of deepening the reform of municipal betboom casino review enterprises in Wenzhou,2020Years1month,Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. is renamed Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Municipal Industry and Energy Group or Group),Registered capital50billion yuan。Group also hangs Wenzhou Handicraft Cooperative United Society Brand。

Contact us

Address: No. 50 Donglong Road, Wenzhou City
Tel: (0577) 88812952 55598008
Fax: (0577) 88812833
Postcode: 325088

betboom team Allocation (C) Wenzhou Industry and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

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