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Nine party organizations affiliated to the Municipal Industry and Energy Group successfully created a demonstration site for the "Four Four Four Genius" party building

更新日期:2024-05-07 16:49:06 点击率:

Recent,The CPC Wenzhou Municipal SASAC Committee announced the list of "Four Four Supervisor" party building demonstration sites of Wenzhou's state -owned assets system in 2023,The Wood Group Party Committee of the Municipal betboom casino review Industry and Energy Group、Small Refining Company Party Committee、Kuaulu Group Party Committee and other 9 party organizations are famous on the list of party organizations,Successful evaluation of the honorary title。

In recent years,The Party Committee of the Municipal Industry and Energy Group has always taken the creation of the "Four Four Gou" as the starting point,Persist in pointing with a point、Grab the foundation,Grab the foundation、Make a shortcoming,Promoting specifications、Strong functional focus,Targeted guidance of various tasks to carry out various tasks,Realize the effective combination of party building and production and operation,The group system has a total of 29 party organizations to create successful,Effectively help state -owned enterprise party building comprehensive progress、Comprehensive and strong。

First, forging a strong "Four Four" party organizations,betboom review Consolidate the grassroots combat fortress。Focus on strengthening political attraction,Loyalty to defend the "two establishment" with the actual results of party building work at the grassroots level、Resolutely achieve "two maintenance"; focus on enhancing the development force,Empowerment with the party building leadership,Focus on solving the problem of corporate development,Actively promote the in -depth integration of party building and group center work; focus on strengthening reform and innovation,Explore the new mode of party building work,Multiple measures to promote the better integration of grass -roots party building into the center of the center; focus on strengthening the condensation and guarantee,Constantly enrich the carrier of party building activities,Gathering Endeter Power,Stimulate new vitality of enterprises。

Second is to shape the betboom casino "four excellent" Communist Party members who are loyal,Foundation for the strong party members and cadres。Persist in the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Perform the 20th spirit of the party in an all -round way,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the party's construction,Effectively use the party's innovation theory to consolidate the soul; insist on guiding party members and cadres to actively learn new knowledge、Master new skills,Cultivate more backbone forces; insist on learning and thinking about it、Uniform,The pace is consistent forward,strongly promoting various tasks to go to a new level; insist on strengthening integrity awareness,Efforts to forge a firm belief、Excessive quality、Party members and cadres with excellent style。

betboom casino Third, create a unique "red" party building brand,Enhance the energy level of party and mass service。The Group's Party Committee builds a brand of party building with "work energy integration, Yongli development",Drive the subsidiaries to play its own brand characteristics,Overall improvement of party building level。At the same time,Gradually painted the "1+N" party mass service matrix of "1+N" of "1+N" of the party and mass service point,Really realize high -quality party building leading high -quality development。The Group's Party and Mass Work Department continues to strengthen one -to -one guidance for the creation of the "Four Four Supervisors" of each party organization、Coordination、Supervise and inspection,Master the progress in time,Common to discuss the method path,Help solve the difficulty、Blocking points and other questions。

betboom review Next,The Group will continue to do a good job in the quality and expansion of the "Four Fortunes and Four Excellent" party building demonstration sites,Continue to improve the standardization of grass -roots party organizations、Standardized level,Give full play to the role of demonstration,Constantly improve work efficiency,Contribute more for the help of Wenzhou's implementation of "Strong City Action"。(Group Party and Mass Work Department、Wood Group、Pharmaceutical Company、Quick Deer Group、Operation Company、Industry Information Company、Flour Company、Pharmaceutical Company、Zhejiang Ou Company)

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Wenzhou Industrial and betboom review Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

According to the work requirements of deepening the reform of municipal enterprises in Wenzhou,2020Years1month,Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. is renamed Wenzhou Industrial and betboom review Energy Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Municipal Industry and Energy Group or Group),Registered capital50billion yuan。The Group also hangs Wenzhou Handicraft Industry Cooperative United Society Brand。

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