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The Youth League Committee and related subsidiaries carry out the Qingming Festival and sweeping activities

更新日期:2024-04-05 16:33:11 点击率:

For the red root vein、Planting patriotic feelings,Propaganda respects heroic positive energy,Recent,Group and related subsidiaries organize party members、The members of the group went to the Cuiwei Mountain Martyrs Cemetery、Yongjia Martyrs Cemetery、Jiangxinyu betboom casino review Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall and other places,Carry out revolutionary martyrs' tomb festival sweeping activities。

In the solemn national anthem,All party members and members are silently standing for the monument,Representatives of party members present flower baskets to martyrs,Bow on the Monument to the Martyrs Monument,Express the deep mourning and memory of the betboom casino review Revolutionary Martyrs。other,The Youth League Committee also betboom casino carried out the red volunteer service of "I am a heroes for the hero",Express the admiration and infinite sorrow of the ancestors with actual actions。

Martyrs loyal soul Qianqiu is here,Heroes of the Heroes Valentine。Although the heroes have gone away,But their spirit is forever,Always inspired the children of Wenzhou for generations to move forward。Through this Qingming Festival sweeping activity,Said all the members of the party members,The fine betboom casino review tradition of inheriting and carrying forward the betboom casino review Revolutionary Martyrs,firm ideals and beliefs,Contribute the power of state -owned enterprises for "Action of Strong City"。(Group Youth League Committee、Energy Company、Pharmaceutical Industry Company、Zhejiang Ou Company)

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Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

According to the work requirements of deepening municipal state -owned enterprises in Wenzhou,2020year1month,Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. is renamed Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Municipal Industry and Energy Group or Group),Registered capital50billion yuan。The Group also hangs on Wenzhou Handicraft betboom review Cooperative United Society Brand。

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