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Group Organization held 2024 Main Industry Expansion Work Class Meeting

更新日期:2024-04-19 10:32:19 点击率:

In the afternoon of April 17,Group organization held the 2024 Main Industry Expansion Work Special Class Meeting。Group Party Secretary of the Group、Deputy General Manager Nan Qi presided over the meeting,The main person in charge of the relevant betboom casino department of the group、Relevant person in charge of each subsidiary and the person in charge of the function department attended the meeting。

will be on,The Group's Strategic Planning Department introduced the 2024 Investment Plan,Prompt the newly revised investment and main business management measures for the Municipal State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Discussion and research on the amendment of the Group's investment management measures。Group 6 subsidiaries have reported on the highlights of the main business in recent years、There are shortcomings and the next step of work thinking。

Nanqi conducted a comprehensive review of the main business expansion of each subsidiary since last year,Deep digging betboom casino review the root cause of the problem、Analysis and judgment of shortcomings and weaknesses,and make three requirements on the next stage of work:The first is to improve ideological standing and strengthen planning leadership.Opportunity during the new round of state -owned enterprise layout,To analyze the actual situation in depth,In the group's first -level main business directory,Clarify the positioning and development direction of the secondary main business; at the same time,In the annual investment development work,To follow the established goal,Orderly promote project progress,Make sure the planning and preliminary work are more advanced and meticulous。The second is to deepen the industrial layout betboom casino review and strengthen the quality and efficiency.Each section should focus on "new productive forces",Coordinated and parallel、Empowerment,Deepen the "Industry+Assets" two -wheel drive strategy,Strengthening cooperation with intended cooperation with intended investment in leading enterprises,Actively connect with the science and technology innovation platform on the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the new energy,and life health、Smart Manufacturing、New materials、Digital economy and other fields,Project with a short combination of deployment director,Strengthen risk research and judgment ability,Effectively give full play to the role of industrial investment betboom review empowerment and development。Third, focusing on deepening reforms and strengthening factor guarantee.To regulate the investment decision -making system and procedure,Strengthen investment supervision,Improve investment decision management level,Preventing risks; in -depth research on the newly revised management measures of the SASAC,Exchange and decentralization ideas; strengthen the government、Head Enterprise、Scientific Research Institute、Cooperation of colleges and universities,Expand information channel,Find the opportunity to cooperate with the industrial, university -research funds,Promoting the transformation of scientific research results,Through school betboom sports betting -enterprise cooperation, etc.,Introduction to cultivate talents,Improve the level of specialized investment decision -making of the group,Provide protection for the Group's sustainable development。(Group Strategic Planning Department)

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Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd.

According to the work requirements of deepening municipal state -owned betboom casino enterprises in Wenzhou,2020year1month,Wenzhou Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd. is renamed Wenzhou Industrial and Energy Development Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Municipal Industry and Energy Group or Group),Registered capital50billion yuan。The Group also hangs Wenzhou Handicraft Industry Cooperative United Society Brand。

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